Friday, 21 June 2013

Global market intelligence survey 2013

In a white paper on the current state of market intelligence, The Global Intelligence Alliance (GIA) surveyed nearly 900 companies in 64 countries, and discovered:

·         Improving efficiency in conducting market intelligence - 80% say their investments in market intelligence have paid off (up 2% from 2011)

·          In relative terms, decision-making is 15% more efficient in companies that have a market intelligence function in place

·         The average size of market intelligence teams has been reduced by one person to 12 people since 2011.

·         Large budgets are no guarantee for more advanced market intelligence functions or higher ROI

·         Market intelligence is most advanced in Media and Entertainment companies but interestingly, that is also where the perceived return on investment (ROI) is the lowest.

·         The highest perceived ROI for market intelligence is in the Environment and Renewables industries

For more information on the survey, see The Global Intelligence Alliance website.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Elsevier to improve mobile capability

STM publisher Elsevier is to invest in a new online platform – Smart Content - to improve mobile capability for more than 500 of its health, medical and life science websites.

The platform will offer improved search accuracy and high quality readability for mobile devices. The content will be semantically tagged to help with automated or curated topic collections.

For more information, see the original Elsevier press release.